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稠人广众| 广州网络营销公关策划及品牌设计推广公司一览表(含英文版介绍)

广州网络公关 2023年03月05日 12:48 479 韩楚风
洽谈合作:陈经理 182 1766 8777 联系微信:cqiup7

广州一般指广州市。 广州市,简称“穗”,别称羊城、花城、五羊城,是广东省辖地级市、广东省省会、副省级市、国家中心城市、超大城市、广州都市圈核心城市,国务院批复确定的中国重要的中心城市、国际商贸中心和综合交通枢纽。



知乎上,另外一个网友对深圳广州的点评:“广州呆过半年,除了交通拥挤之外都挺好的,租房也便宜,吃饭也便宜,最重要的是味道好。广州是华南交通枢纽Q ,物流成本比深圳低,水果蔬菜总体价格低于深圳是必然的。深圳的特点我习惯坚持我的观点。深圳是有钱人可以得到极致的享受,没钱人必须承受极致的苦难。但不是深圳决策层主观希望造成这个局面。深圳面积只有2200平方公里,远小于广州的7000多,杭州1万多,上海6000多。深圳的常住+管理人口说法有两种,一种是2200万 ,另-种是已经接近3000万。北京、上海的常住+管理人口是超过3000万。广州的说法是常住+管理人口2000万。无论已经确定的2200万还是可能的3000万,深圳的人口密度是所有一线中最高的。虽然香港1000多,小于深圳,但是香港人口只有700多万,远少于深圳。深圳的人口密度深圳高于香港。人均土地资源少就诱发了很多问题。居住、教育、娱乐、体育、医疗、交通用地9紧张。住房供应



Huanshi Interactive (Guangdong) Public Relations Co., LTD

Address: A4016, Building A, No. 18, Shicen Road, Baiyun Lake Street, Baiyun District, Guangzhou

Company profile: Huanshi Interactive (Guangdong) Public Relations Co., LTD mainly engaged in hotel management; Recruit; Tender advisory services; Conference and exhibition services; Advertising; Business consulting services; Enterprise management consulting services; Enterprise management services; Corporate image planning services; Investment advisory services; Market research services; Commodity information consulting services; E-commerce information consultation; Bodybuilding technical consulting; Computer typing; Input; Proofread; Printing service; Corporate etiquette services; Model service; Personal image design service; Large-scale event organizing and planning services; . Recording production

Guangdong Huaxing Public Relations Consulting Service Co., LTD

Address: East Gate Parking lot, Dongfeng Park, No. 199 North Guangzhou Avenue, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou

Company profile: Guangdong Huaxing Public Relations Consulting Service Co., Ltd. mainly engaged in property management; Real estate agency services; Venue rental; Warehousing agency services; Engineering project management services; General merchandise retail; Except food retailing; Market research services; Planning and creative services; Building cleaning services; Afforestation management; Maintenance; Pest control services; Family services; Advertising; Food and beverage management; Pension industry investment; Development; Import and export of goods; Excluding commodities with special control in a franchise; Commodity information consulting services; Car rental; Hotel management; Commodity wholesale trade; . Electricity selling business

Guangzhou Huize Public Relations Service Co., LTD

Address: Room 203, No.6 Zhongjing 3rd Street, Nansha District, Guangzhou

Company profile: Guangzhou Huize Public Relations Service Co., Ltd. mainly engaged in public relations services; Educational advisory services; Labor security affairs agency service; Labor security affairs advisory services; Foreign labor service cooperation; Organize and carry out on-site job fairs; To recommend workers to the employing units; Carry out senior personnel search service; Providing employment information services for employers and individuals; To collect; Sort out; Store and release talent; Occupational supply and demand information; Personnel files of floating talents and related personnel administrative relationship management; College student employment recommendation; Talent information network service; Career choice for talents...

Guangzhou Han&SI Public Relations Consulting Co., LTD

Address: Unit 01, Room 1302, No. 49, Huaxia Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou (office only)

Company profile: Guangzhou H&SI Public Relations Consulting Co., LTD. Mainly engaged in advertising; Public relations services; Planning and creative services; Enterprise management consulting services; Corporate image planning services; Cultural and artistic consulting services

Guangdong Zhicheng Group Public Relations Consulting Co., LTD

Address: No. 106 Fengze East Road, Nansha District, Guangzhou (self-designed Building 1) X1301-H5723 (Cluster Registration) (JM)

Company profile: Guangdong Zhicheng Group Public Relations Consulting Co., Ltd. mainly engaged in public relations services

Guangzhou Jusi Public Relations Planning Co., LTD

Address: Room C24, 501, No.55 Tiyu West Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou (for office use only)

Company profile: Guangzhou Jusi Public Relations Planning Co., LTD. Mainly engaged in corporate image planning services; Planning and creative services; Marketing planning services; Sports marketing planning service; Large-scale event organizing and planning services; Large-scale activities refer to evening parties; Sports meeting; A celebration; Art and modeling competitions; Art festival; Film festivals and public performances; Exhibitions, etc. Safety and rescue emergency plan planning; Design services; Occupational safety emergency drill planning consultation; Literary and art performances with mass participation; Planning of public welfare cultural activities such as competitions; Advertising; . Boat rental activities in the scenic area

Guangzhou Jinxilai Public Relations Planning Co., LTD

Address: Room 311, No. 25, No.65, North Middle East Xing Road, Guangzhou Avenue, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou (for office use only)

Company profile: Guangzhou Jinxilai Public Relations Planning Co., LTD. Mainly engaged in design; To make; Agent; Publish all kinds of advertisements at home and abroad; Product design; Trademark design; Booking hotel rooms; Ticket formalities; Interior decoration and design; Conference services; Exhibition and display services; Planning of public relations activities; Planning of sports activities; Enterprise marketing planning; Corporate image design; Wholesale and retail trade; Private car rental

Guangzhou Wendi Zhenghe Public Relations Service Co., LTD

Address: Room A, 19th Floor, No. 300, Dongfeng Middle Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou (for office use only)

Company profile: Guangzhou Wendi Zhenghe Public Relations Service Co., LTD., mainly engaged in asset management; Investment of the enterprise's own funds; Investment management services; Corporate headquarters management; Software service; Enterprise management services; Investment advisory services; Public relations service

Guangdong Shengshi East Coast Public Relations Service Co., LTD

Address: Room 1028, 140 Zhongshan Avenue West, Tianhe District, Guangzhou (office only)

Company profile: Guangdong Shengshi East Coast Public Relations Service Co., Ltd. mainly engaged in enterprise management consulting services; Corporate image planning services; Public relations services; Planning and creative services; Investment advisory services; Market research services; Marketing planning services; Conference and exhibition services; Real estate consulting services; Advertising industry

Guangzhou Zhiyuan Xingfang Public Relations Planning Co., LTD

Address: No. 106 Fengze East Road, Nansha District, Guangzhou (self-designed Building 1) X1301-F9129 (Cluster Registration) (JM)

Company profile: Guangzhou Zhiyuan Xingfang Public Relations Planning Co., LTD. Mainly engaged in public relations services; Conference and exhibition services; Advertising; Enterprise management services; Corporate image planning services; Large-scale event organizing and planning services; Large-scale activities refer to evening parties; Sports meeting; A celebration; Art and modeling competitions; Art festival; Film festivals and public performances; Exhibitions, etc. Marketing planning services; Planning and creative services; Literary and art performances with mass participation; Planning of public welfare cultural activities such as competitions; Information technology consulting services; Cultural and artistic consulting services; . Commodity information consulting services

Guangzhou Orange Public Relations Consulting Co., LTD

Address: Room 2207, No. 49, Huaxia Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou (office only)

Company profile: Guangzhou Orange Public Relations Consulting Co., Ltd. mainly engaged in corporate image planning services; Public relations services; Planning and creative services; Market research services; Marketing planning services; Advertising; Conference and exhibition services; Corporate etiquette services; Commodity wholesale trade; Retail trade in commodities; Software development; Information technology consulting services; Model service; Cultural and artistic consulting services; Enterprise management consulting services; Commodity information consulting services; Large-scale event organizing and planning services; Large-scale activities refer to evening parties; Sports meeting; A celebration; Art and modeling competitions; . exhibition

Guangzhou Da Yi Si Chuang Public Relations Consulting Co., LTD

Address: Room C01, 32F full-floor unit (self-designed 34F full-floor unit), Planning and Design Floor, Litong Plaza, No. 32 East Pearl River Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou (office only)

Company profile: Guangzhou Da Yi Si Chuang Public Relations Consulting Co., Ltd. mainly engaged in corporate image planning services; Planning and creative services; Trade advisory services; Computer printing; Blueprinting service; Information technology consulting services; Enterprise management consulting services; Market research services; Advertising; Marketing planning services; Conference and exhibition services

Metroson (Guangzhou) Public Relations Consulting Co., LTD

Address: Unit 1206, No.181, Kexue Avenue, Huangpu District, Guangzhou

Company profile: Metroson (Guangzhou) Public Relations Consulting Co., LTD. Mainly engaged in ticket services; Large-scale event organizing and planning services; Large-scale activities refer to evening parties; Sports meeting; A celebration; Art and modeling competitions; Art festival; Film festivals and public performances; Exhibitions, etc. Personal image design service; Model service; Corporate etiquette services; Project investment; Conference and exhibition services; Advertising; E-commerce information consultation; Marketing planning services; Commodity information consulting services; Market research services; Planning and creative services; Public relations services; Sports advisory services; . Corporate headquarters management

Guangzhou Time and Space Viewpoint Public Relations Consulting Co., LTD

Address: Room 3301, No. 230, Tianhe Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou (Part: Room 3301 to 3308) (Office only)

Company profile: Guangzhou Temporal Viewpoint Public Relations Consulting Co., LTD., mainly engaged in art design services; Marketing planning services; Corporate image planning services; Public relations services; Planning and creative services; Commodity information consulting services; Advertising; Conference and exhibition services; Corporate etiquette services; Large-scale event organizing and planning services; Large-scale activities refer to evening parties; Sports meeting; A celebration; Art and modeling competitions; Art festival; Film festivals and public performances; Exhibitions, etc. Information technology consulting services; Multimedia design service; Animation and derivative product design services; . Lighting equipment lease

Guangzhou Yiniang Public Relations Consulting Co., LTD

Address: Room 301, Building 5, No. 33 Kefeng Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou

Company profile: Guangzhou Yiniang Public Relations Consulting Co., LTD. Mainly engaged in public relations services; Advertising; Enterprise management consulting services; Corporate image planning services; Planning and creative services; Marketing planning services; Commodity information consulting services; Commodity wholesale trade; Retail trade in commodities; Trade agency; Pre-packaged food wholesale; Pre-packaged food retail; Liquor wholesale; Liquor retail

Guangdong Liku Public Relations Marketing Communication Co., LTD

Address: Room 1802, No. 313, Yanjiang Middle Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou

Company profile: Guangdong Ligu Public Relations Marketing Communication Co., Ltd. mainly engaged in labor dispatch services; Providing Tours to tourists; Traffic; Accommodation; Catering and other agency services; Public relations services; Advertising; Planning and creative services; Cultural and artistic consulting services; Large-scale event organizing and planning services; Large-scale activities refer to evening parties; Sports meeting; A celebration; Art and modeling competitions; Art festival; Film festivals and public performances; Exhibitions, etc. Marketing planning services; Commodity wholesale trade; Conference and exhibition services; Trade advisory services; Trade agency; Retail trade in commodities; . Technology import and export

Guangzhou Linghao Public Relations Planning Co., LTD

Address: No. 319, Dadasha East, Huangpu District, Guangzhou 1003 (for office use only)

Company profile: Guangzhou Linghao Public Relations Planning Co., LTD. Mainly engaged in public relations services; Corporate image planning services; Cultural and artistic consulting services; Model service; Marketing planning services; Advertising; Conference and exhibition services; Corporate etiquette services; Personal image design service; Large-scale event organizing and planning services; Planning and creative service

Guangzhou Jiadi Public Relations Consulting Co., LTD

Address: B4062, 2nd Floor, 4th Floor, No. 59, Zhuji Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou

Company profile: Guangzhou Jiadi Public Relations Consulting Co., LTD. Mainly engaged in public relations services; Cultural and artistic consulting services; Corporate image planning services; Personal image design service; Conference and exhibition services; Network technology research; Development; Computer network systems engineering services; Corporate etiquette services; Market research services; Advertising; Retail trade in commodities; Multimedia design service; Planning and creative services; Information technology consulting services; Marketing planning services; Commodity wholesale trade; Large-scale event organizing and planning services; . Ornament design services

Guangzhou Taitian Diya Public Relations Co., LTD

Address: Room 1705, No.2, No. 406 Huasui Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou (Part: B), Room 1706 (office only)

Company profile: Guangzhou Taitian Diya Public Relations Co., Ltd. mainly engaged in planning and creative services; Commodity information consulting services; Large-scale event organizing and planning services; Large-scale activities refer to evening parties; Sports meeting; A celebration; Art and modeling competitions; Art festival; Film festivals and public performances; Exhibitions, etc. Conference and exhibition services; Advertising; Marketing planning services; Public relations services; Cultural and artistic consulting services; Corporate image planning services

Guangzhou Shuangshuang Public Relations Planning Co., LTD

Address: Room 402, No. 81, Xuanyue East Street, Haizhu District, Guangzhou (office only)

Company profile: Guangzhou Shuangshuang Public Relations Planning Co., LTD. Mainly engaged in advertising; Corporate etiquette services; Conference and exhibition services; Public relations services; Car rental; A trinket; Small gift retail

Guangzhou Huize Public Relations Service Co., LTD

Address: Room 203, No.6 Zhongjing 3rd Street, Nansha District, Guangzhou

Company profile: Guangzhou Huize Public Relations Service Co., LTD., mainly engaged in e-commerce information consulting; Engaged in functional management services and project management services as well as human resources services and management by service outsourcing; Contracting of labor services; Business process outsourcing; Human resource management consulting; Human resource service outsourcing; Human resources evaluation; Employment and entrepreneurship guidance; Human resources training; To undertake labor outsourcing services as entrusted; Human resource outsourcing; Collection and release of human resource supply and demand information; Business advisory services; Business consulting services; . Personnel agency

Guangdong Boya Public Relations Co., LTD

Address: Unit 39, Room 03-08, Room 3801, Chow Tai Fook Financial Center, No. 6, Zhujiang East Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, Guangdong

Company profile: Guangdong Boya Public Relations Co., LTD. Mainly engaged in communication consulting; Provide public relations services for foreign investors and domestic and foreign companies; Provide feasibility studies for investment projects; And provide consulting services; Organize new product promotion activities; Business information consulting; Corporate image planning; Marketing planning; Conference services; Graphic design; Software program development; Design; To make; Agency and release all kinds of domestic and foreign advertising

Guangzhou Pengcheng Public Relations Planning Co., LTD

Address: Room 415, Building 3, No. 10, Wanteng Street, Huangpu District, Guangzhou (for office use only)

Company profile: Guangzhou Pengcheng Public Relations Planning Co., Ltd. mainly engaged in corporate image planning services; Public relations services; Commodity information consulting services; Marketing planning services; Advertising; Educational advisory services; Human resource outsourcing; Network information technology extension services; Cultural promotion; Personal image design service; Conference and exhibition services; Commodity wholesale trade; Internet commodity sales; Model service; Market research services; Video equipment rental service; Photographic equipment rental service; Software development; Car rental; Construction labor subcontracting; . Recording production

Guangzhou Jianhuan Public Relations Consulting Co., LTD

Address: Room 2018, No. 30, Guibei Street, Huadi Lian, Liwan District, Guangzhou

Company profile: Guangzhou Jianhuan Public Relations Consulting Co., LTD. Mainly engaged in public relations services; Enterprise management services; Enterprise management consulting services; Corporate image planning services; Planning and creative services; Government procurement advisory services; Recruit; Tender advisory services; Software service; Collection of enterprise credit information; Sort out; To preserve; Processing and supply; Financial credit information is excluded; Energy technology advisory services; Intangible assets appraisal service; Trade advisory services; Transportation consulting services; Commodity information consulting services; Market research service

Guangzhou Yiao Public Relations Co., LTD

Address: 103, No. 20, No. 2519 Xingang East Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou (Office only)

Company profile: Guangzhou Yiao Public Relations Co., Ltd. mainly engaged in large-scale event organization and planning services; Large-scale activities refer to evening parties; Sports meeting; A celebration; Art and modeling competitions; Art festival; Film festivals and public performances; Exhibitions, etc. Personal image design service; Model service;

商羊文化 工信部备案号: 沪ICP备2022023316号-1 公安备案号: 沪公网安备31011702889448号 电话18217668777