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品牌策划 2023年04月13日 11:01 833 陈秀秀
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2023十大广告公司榜中榜有ogilvy奥美、LeoBurnett李奥贝纳、DentsuMcgarrybowen电通、Publicis阳狮、McCann麦肯、BBDO、盛世长城、TBWADDBWunderman Thompson等,排序不分先后,仅提供参考使用。广告公司十大排行榜单由用户企业免费自主申请申报、CN10排排榜技术研究部门和CNPP榜中榜品牌排名大数据研究部门通过资料收集整理汇编,并基于大数据统计、云计算、人工智能、投票点赞及人为根据市场和参数条件变化的分析研究/专业测评而得出,真实客观公正。












——Wunderman Thompson









李奥贝纳广告公司(Leo Burnett)是美国广告大师李奥·贝纳创建的广告公司。现在是全球较大的广告公司之一,于1935年成立于美国芝加哥,在全球80多个国家设有将近100个办事处,拥有一万多名员工,集品牌策划、创意、媒体为一体,在中国为国际及国内的知名客户提供全方位的广告服务。




电通集团是日本较大的广告与传播集团,成立于1901年,总部位于东京。前身为1901年创立的“日本广告”和 1907年创立的“日本电报通讯社”,提供新闻和广告代理服务。1936年转让新闻通讯部门,改为专营广告代理至今,目前为当今全球较大的独立广告公司,日本五大民营电视台之一的TBS也与其有密切关系。日本电通的业务主要分布在美国、欧洲、日本及其他地区,整个集团有100多家的子公司和合资公司。




阳狮集团(Publicis Groupe),法国较大的广告与传播集团,创建于1926年,总部位于法国巴黎。创始人是:Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet1906-1996)。




麦肯·光明广告有限公司是由麦肯世界集团(McCann Worldgroup)与《光明日报》社于1991年底合资组建的专业广告公司。公司的外方股东麦肯世界集团成立于1902年,总部设在美国纽约。麦肯世界集团是世界上较大较完善的广告服务网络系统之一,其投资建立的独资或合资广告公司拥有24000多名员工,遍布全球120个国家和地区的180个办公室,业务涉及整合营销传播的各个领域,包括广告、直效行销/网络广告、活动行销、公共关系、品牌管理、保健行销及媒介购买等。




BBDO环球网络公司隶属于Omnicom集团。1891年,一个叫George Batten的美国人在纽约开了一家以自己名字命名的传播公司Batten。他在那个年代创作了许多脍炙人口的案例,然而他留在广告史较大的贡献,则是为后来名震全球的BBDO贡献了首字母“B”。1919年,Bruce BartonRoy Durstine在纽约成立Barton&DurstineBBDO的第二个字母有了着落。一年以后,Barton &DurstineAlex Osborn合并。1928年,BattenBartonDurstine Osborn合并,正式宣告了BBDO的诞生。1991年,BBDO来到中国,至此BBDO的家族又多了一张东方面孔——BBDO天联。




盛世长城国际广告(Saatchi & Saatchi)隶属于全球三大传播集团之一——阳狮集团。自1970年创立以来,已逐步发展成为全球颇受瞩目的创意热店。盛世长城目前已在全球设立114家分公司,员工超过6500名。1992年盛世长城来到中国,它也是较早来到中国的国际广告公司之一。自进入中国以来,盛世长城始终坚持以创意为先,网罗了创意人才,通过逾二十年的不断探索与发展,中国拥有超过500名员工,在上海、北京、广州、香港、澳门均设有分公司。







1949年成立于美国纽约,Omnicom集团旗下4A广告公司,DDB中国由DDBTribal Worldwide以及RAPP组成

恒美广告(DDB Worldwide1949年成立于美国纽约,是一家具有近七十年历史的4A广告公司。DDB这三个字母分别为三位创始人Doyle Dane Bernbach的英文名首字母,是传播公司Omnicom集团的子公司。在96个国家里,设有206个分公司/办事处。


Wunderman Thompson

由世界知名广告公司智威汤逊和伟门于2018年合并而来,是一家集创意、数据和科技于一体的新型营销代理机构,主要提供创意、数据、电商、咨询和技术服务在内的端对端系统性营销服务。Wunderman Thompson是一家集创意,数据和科技于一体的新型营销代理机构。其机构主要提供创意,数据,电商,咨询和技术服务在内的端对端系统性营销服务。公司总部位于美国纽约,在全球90个市场中拥有超过20000名创意,数字,策略和技术等人才。中国办公室拥有逾500名在创意,业务,电商,策略,技术,媒介及制片方面等人才,致力于为国内外客户提供最全面的整合营销服务及以数据技术为基础的创意解决方案。

Top 10 advertising agencies in 2023 include ogilvy Ogilvy, LeoBurnett LeoBurnett, DentsuMcgarrybowen Dentsu, Publicis Publicis, McCann McCann, BBDO, Saatchis, TBWA, DDB, Wunderman Thompson, etc. Sort in no particular order, for reference only. The top ten list of advertising companies is made by free independent application of user enterprises, CN10 Banpai ranking technology research department and CNPP ranking brand ranking big data research department through data collection and compilation, and based on big data statistics, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, poll likes and human analysis and research on market and parameter conditions changes/professional evaluation. True, objective and fair.

One, ten advertising company ranking directory

-- ogilvy

-- LeoBurnett

-- DentsuMcgarrybowen Electric flux

-- Publicis Publicis

-- McCann


-- Saatchi & Saatchi



-- Wunderman Thompson

Two, the top ten advertising companies list introduction


Founded in 1948 in the United States, the global multi-field integrated communication company, the business involved in advertising, media investment management, customer relationship management, public relations and public affairs

Founded in 1948 by David Ogilvy, Ogilvy has grown into one of the world's largest communications groups, providing communications services to a wide range of brands. Business involves advertising, media investment management, one-to-one communication, customer relationship management, digital communication, public relations and public affairs, brand image and logo, pharmaceutical marketing and professional communication. Ogilvy & Mather Group has a number of subsidiaries specializing in different fields: Ogilvy & Mather Advertising, Ogilvy & Mather Interactive, Ogilvy & Mather Public Relations (Ogilvy & Mather International Group of Public Relations), Ogilvy & Mather Century, Ogilvy & Mather Red Square, Ogilvy & Mather Fashion.


Founded in 1935 by the American advertising master Leo Burner, the world famous 4A advertising agency, set brand planning, creativity, media as one, to provide professional advertising services for international and domestic customers

Leo Burnett is an advertising agency founded by American advertising guru Leo Burnett. It is now one of the world's largest advertising agencies, founded in 1935 in Chicago, USA, with nearly 100 offices in more than 80 countries around the world, with more than 10,000 employees, integrating brand planning, creative, media as a whole, in China to provide a full range of advertising services for international and domestic well-known clients.

DentsuMcgarrybowen electric flux

Founded in 1901, Dentsu is a world-renowned creative agency under the Japanese advertising and communication group Dentsu Co., LTD., providing professional creative services and global solutions in the field of creative/digital/sports and entertainment content marketing

Dentsu Group is Japan's largest advertising and communication group, founded in 1901, headquartered in Tokyo. Formerly "Japan Advertising" founded in 1901 and "Japan Telegraph News Agency" founded in 1907, providing news and advertising agency services. In 1936, the department of news and communication was transferred to advertising agency. Now, it is the largest independent advertising company in the world. TBS, one of Japan's five private television stations, has a close relationship with it. Dentsu's business is mainly distributed in the United States, Europe, Japan and other regions, the whole group has more than 100 subsidiaries and joint ventures.

The Publicis publicis

Founded in France in 1926 and entered China in 2000, it is a world-renowned 4A advertising agency. Its main business includes advertising agency services, media services, media management, public relations services and marketing services

Publicis Groupe, France's largest advertising and communication group, was founded in 1926, headquartered in Paris, France. The founder was Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet (1906-1996).


Founded in 1902, the world's leading multinational advertising agency provides first-class strategic and creative marketing services in the fields of advertising/direct marketing/online advertising/campaign marketing/public relations/brand management/health marketing and media buying

McCann · Guangming Advertising Co., Ltd. is a professional advertising company established by McCann Worldgroup and Guangming Daily at the end of 1991. McCann World Group, the foreign shareholder of the company, was founded in 1902 and headquartered in New York. McCann Worldwide is one of the world's largest and most sophisticated advertising networks, with more than 24,000 employees working in 180 offices in 120 countries and regions around the world. These include advertising, direct marketing/online advertising, event marketing, public relations, brand management, health marketing and media buying.


Founded in 1891, it is an advertising agency of Omnicom Group, a large global advertising communication group. It is a highly acclaimed creative agency in the Asia-Pacific region, focusing on the development of high-quality creative ideas that are relevant to local consumers

BBDO Global Networks is part of the Omnicom Group. In 1891, an American named George Batten opened a communication company named Batten after himself in New York. He created many famous examples in that era, but his biggest contribution in advertising history is to contribute the initial "B" to the world-famous BBDO. In 1919, Bruce Barton and Roy Durstine founded Barton&Durstine in New York City, the second letter of BBDO. A year later Barton &Durstine and Alex Osborn merged. In 1928, Batten merged with Barton and Durstine Osborn, officially announcing the birth of BBDO. In 1991, BBDO came to China, so that the BBDO family has another Oriental face -- BBDO Tianlian.

Saatchi & Saatchi

Founded in 1970, under the French Publicis Group, 1992 began to enter the domestic market, a large scale of the world's well-known innovative advertising agency

Saatchi & Saatchi is part of Publicis, one of the world's three largest communications groups. Since its establishment in 1970, it has gradually developed into a popular creative shop in the world. Saatchi & Saatchi has established 114 branches worldwide and employs more than 6,500 people. Saatchi & Saatchi came to China in 1992 and was one of the first international agencies to do so. Since its entry into China, Saatchi & Saatchi has always been committed to putting creativity first and recruiting creative talents. Through more than 20 years of continuous exploration and development, Saatchi & Saatchi has more than 500 employees in China, with branches in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau.


Founded in 1970 by Omnicom, the world communications giant, a European advertising organization formed by Tragos, Bonnange, Wiesendanger and Ajroldi, four advertisers from different countries, backgrounds and experience areas

TBWAChina China (TBWAChina) is an important part of the global network of TBwachina, headquartered in Shanghai. TBWAWorldwide (TBWAWorldwide) belongs to Omnicom Group, the world's media giant. Through the unique "Disruption" methodology (Disruption®), TBWAWorldwide advertising provides customers with creative marketing solutions.


Founded in 1949 in New York, DDB China is a 4A advertising agency owned by Omnicom Group. DDB China is composed of DDB, Tribal Worldwide and RAPP

Founded in 1949 in New York, DDB Worldwide is a 4A advertising agency with a history of nearly 70 years. DDB is the initials of the three founders, Doyle Dane Bernbach, a subsidiary of Omnicom Group, a communications company. It has 206 branches/offices in 96 countries.

Wunderman Thompson

Founded by the merger of world-renowned advertising companies JWT and Weimen in 2018, Weimen is a new marketing agency integrating creativity, data and technology. It mainly provides end-to-end systematic marketing services including creative, data, e-commerce, consulting and technical services. Wunderman Thompson is a new marketing agency that combines creativity, data and technology. Its organization mainly provides end-to-end systematic marketing services including creative, data, e-commerce, consulting and technical services. Headquartered in New York, the company employs more than 20,000 creative, digital, strategic and technical talent in 90 markets around the world. With more than 500 creative, business, e-commerce, strategy, technology, media and production professionals, the China office is committed to providing the most comprehensive integrated marketing services and creative solutions based on data technology for domestic and international clients.

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